Having in place the policies, procedures, and tools used to recover vital technology and data is critical in the event of a natural or human disaster. Don’t get caught off guard. Let us help you prepare for the unexpected!

93% of companies went bankrupt due to prolonged data loss. The longer a business goes without access to their data, the less chance of survival.
40% - 60% of small businesses never reopen after a disaster. Natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods can permanently close business doors.

The most common business disaster is data loss, often caused by human error, hardware failure, natural disaster, and theft.
What is Disaster Recovery?
of businesses experience an unforeseen interruption.
of backups are incomplete.
of companies don’t have a disaster recovery plan.
of business with a disaster recovery solution in place fully recover operations.
Many businesses have an incorrect understanding of what Backup & Data Disaster Recovery is. Data Backup is the act of copying and preserving your data in case of theft, fire, or any other natural disaster. Data Disaster Recovery is an action plan on how to restore and integrate that data back into your working systems, minimizing as much negative effects as possible to the company.
Backup & Data Disaster Recovery is simply the coupling of these two separate, though complementary services. In the event of a data loss, a company can have peace of mind knowing that their database has been copied AND migrated successfully back into their systems.